Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Why is crocheting popular?

Crocheting is a popular hobby among many types of people of all ages and lifestyles because there are many advantages to it. The following list shows a few common ones:

- It helps relieve stress levels

- Can create sweaters and accessories for yourself or friends

- It’s portable – you can crochet while on the bus, airplane or waiting at a doctor’s office

- It is a skill you can share with elders

- It is cost-effective, yarn isn’t as expensive as buying a brand new sweater

- It is a way to express your creativity in the form of garments and accessories

Personally, I enjoy crocheting because it allows my mind to relax and think of things that are not cluttered by daily techno-induced chaos. It is a flexible artform which allows me to change patterns and combine them to make my own designs. I also love to design and crochet scarfs for my friends and family as personal gifts.


Craft Yarn Council of America. (2005). Why Knit or Crochet?. Retrieved November 21, 2006 from http://www.learntoknit.com/why_knitorcrochet.php3


Blogger Krishna said...

Hi Ricki,

Thank you for your positive feedback and comments :) One of the main reasons I got into crocheting was due to it being affordable and a lot of creative fun. I want to spend more time learning how to sew, but buying a sewing machine, patterns, and fabrics can get pretty expensive. It is inspiring to be able to create the different types of patterns and accessories from just wool. The main difference between knitting and crocheting is, crocheting involves one hook and knitting involves two needles and each needlecraft produces a different texture of patterns. I have heard of a few guys that do crochet, and I was very surprised when I saw them do it because this hobby is usually portrayed for solely females. In fact, check out these articles, they are about how some of the men have gotten into crocheting and shows their work as well: http://www.anniesattic.com/crochet/content.html?content_id=407.

A lot of my friends tell me how instead of a gift certificate they would rather have something crocheted. One of my best friends is having a baby soon, so my next project will be to crochet a baby blanket for her :) Once again, thank you for sharing your thoughts!

5:04 PM


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